Friday, April 1, 2016

Power Down & Look Up

Good Morning and Happy Friday!

It’s been a good week for Graham Steer and Lady Blues athletics!  Both the boys and girls golf teams captured the district championship. The Steer baseball team defeated Brownwood.

Wish our One Act Play guild “break a leg” today in the Bi-District competition being held at the Graham Memorial Auditorium.  Our play, Picnic, should perform at approximately 4:00 pm.

Good luck this weekend and next week to:
·      Steer and Lady Blues track at Stephenville on Saturday.
·      Steer and Lady Blues tennis at Abilene on Saturday.
·      JV Steer baseball at home vs Bowie on Saturday.
·      Steer and Lady Blues District Tennis Tournament at Graham on Tuesday/Wednesday.
·      GJHS District Track Meet at Graham next Tuesday.
·      Lady Blues Softball at Stephenville on Tuesday.
·      Steer Baseball vs Mineral Wells in Graham on Tuesday.

Power Down & Look Up

This week I had the pleasure of attending the community performance of Look Up by Kids Who Care Musical Theater group from Ft. Worth.

One line from Look Up states, “Technology is not good or bad, it just is!” It is impossible to deny the extent technology has advanced in the 21st century.  Most people carry around small computers that allow us to communicate and collaborate with people all over the world. In this sense technology allows us to unify and connect in ways that were not possible in the recent past.

Although technology can greatly assist us with communicating, used in excess, it can be isolating and destructive to our personal relationships. I don’t know about you, but often times, I am guilty of believing I can balance my attention and time effectively between the person or people I am with and the cell phone in my hand. Truthfully, I (we) cannot fully engage or appreciate the world around me (us) if always buried in an electronic device. If honest, most of us struggle with this a lot more than we want to admit.

Look Up suggests that we choose to use our personal power to “power down and look up.” Look up to make the “real” connection with the people in our lives. This just may result in stronger relationships with others, new relationships, fresh perspectives and a new understanding of the world around us.

Here a few challenges for each of us:
·      Over the next few days, make a conscious effort to observe how people (we) are passing their (our) time.
·      Choose one day/evening, make a conscious effort to power down for an hour or two to spend time in conversation with family and friends.
·      Reflect on how we as educators may need to design opportunities for our students that specifically requires human interaction without the use of technology.

I look forward to the conversations we may have about this.  I hope you all have a blessed day!

Corny Joke of the Day:

Why did the fool try out for the hockey team?

He thought he would be a good SLAPSTICK!

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