Friday, December 8, 2017

The Optimist

GO STEERS…  BEAT BUSHLAND!!! Safe travel wishes for all on the trip to and from Lubbock, TX.
RSB3 Students Excel at the All-Region Band Contest!-  Congrats to the following students who made the All-Region Band and to those that advanced to the Area Round:
Alicia Olvera - Flute, Madalyn Oakes - Flute, Rachel McGregor - Clarinet, Taylor Mariena - (Clarinet Alternate), Alex Husen - Clarinet, Evie Griffin - Clarinet, Baylee Marshall - (Alto Clarinet Alternate), Christa Williams - Trumpet, Cassidy Freeman - French Horn, Jorge Ramirez - French Horn, Brian Sierra - French Horn, Kaylea Wright - Trombone, Alex Trejo - Trombone, Anthony Martinez - Euphonium, Luis Anaya - Tuba, Reagan Menard - Tuba, Kyle Adair - Tuba
Additionally, these 4 students advanced to the Area Round in January: Christa Williams, Cassidy Freeman, Kaylea Wright, Anthony Martinez
Congrats to Graham Steer Basketball! The team defeated Lake Worth this past Tuesday 71-32. Good luck in the Glen Rose tournament.
Lady Blues Basketball- Good luck at the Santo Tournament!

The Optimist…

There is a story of identical twins. One was a hope-filled optimist. “Everything's coming up roses!”
The other was a sad and hopeless pessimist.  He thought that Murphy, as in Murphy’s Law, was an optimist.
The worried parents of the boys brought them to the local psychologist. He suggested to the parents a plan to balance the twins’ personalities.
“On their next Christmas, put them in separate rooms to open their gifts. Give the pessimist the best toys you can afford, and give the optimist a box of manure”.
The parents followed these instructions and carefully observed the results.
When they peeked in on the pessimist, they heard him audibly complaining, “I don’t like the color of this computer…I’ll bet this calculator will break…I don’t like this game…I know someone who’s got a bigger toy car than this…”
Tiptoeing across the corridor, the parents peeked in and saw their little optimist gleefully throwing the manure up in the air. He was giggling.  “You can’t fool me!  Where there’s this much manure, there’s gotta be a pony near by!”
Helen Keller said, “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”  
Have a nice day...unless you have already made other plan. It’s your choice!

What’s Santa’s dog’s name? (Scroll down for the answer.)

Santa Paws!

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