Friday, November 30, 2018

Steer Nation Message 11-30-18 Being Thankful


Lady Blues Basketball- The Lady Blues will be playing Rider HS at MSU on Saturday at 12:30. Good Luck Lady Blues!

Graham Steer Basketball- The Steers will be playing the OKC Storm at MSU on Saturday. GO STEERS!

Graham ISD Student Resource Officer (SRO)- Class of 2002 GHS graduate Blake Davis is our new SRO. He will officially begin this coming Monday. I know there will be changes regarding the DARE program as Chief Widner (retiring) and Officer V tagged teamed this program in the past.

Graham Christmas Parade- Mark your calendar for next Thursday evening for the annual Christmas Parade and Hot Chocolicious competition. All the events will take place around the square.


We have made it through the week after our Thanksgiving break.  Hopefully, each of you had the opportunity to spend some special time with good food, good friends, and family reflecting on the blessings with which we are showered!

As we now ramp up to finish the first semester and prepare for Christmas, breathe deep and remember, blessings can be found in the last place we look. Being thankful does not only happen on Thanksgiving Day!

When Mrs. Klein asked her first graders to draw a picture of something for which they were thankful, it crossed her mind how little these children who lived in a deteriorating neighborhood truly had. From experience, she knew that most of the children in the class would draw pictures of turkeys or bountifully laden Thanksgiving tables. After all, wasn’t that what was expected of them?

What took Mrs. Klein aback was Douglas’s picture. Douglas was a forlorn child, one likely to be found close in her shadow when recess time came. Douglas’s drawing was simple. It was a picture of a lone hand.

The class became captivated by the image. “Whose hand is it?” one student shouted.  Another cried, “It’s the hand of God that brings us food, isn’t it Douglas?” Soon every student in the classroom added their own interpretation to Douglas’s drawing. “A farmer because they grow turkeys.” It looks like a policeman’s, and they protect us.” “Maybe it’s all of the hands that help us, but Douglas could only draw one of them.”

Mrs. Klein was so delighted about her class’s responsiveness to Douglas’s drawing she had almost forgotten about Douglas. When she had the other children busy on another task, she leaned quietly over Douglas’s desk and whispered, “Whose hand is it, Douglas?
Douglas mumbled, “It’s yours.”

Mrs. Klein recalled that she had from time-to-time taken Douglas by the hand; she often did that with all of the children. But that it meant so much to Douglas…

Perhaps, she thought, this was her Thanksgiving – not the things that we get, but the small ways that we give something to others.

Isn’t it great to work in a profession where every day is truly Thanksgiving Day?!!


What’s the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet? (scroll down for the answer)

The Christmas alphabet has Noel!

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