Friday, August 23, 2019

Steer Nation Message- Uncertainty 8-23-19


Graham Steer Football Season Tickets- We still have a few really good season tickets. Please come by the Graham ISD admin office at 400 Third Street if you are interested.

Lady Blues Volleyball- The games vs Lake Worth scheduled for this afternoon/evening have been canceled. The Lady Blues will return to action in Graham next Tuesday.

GPEF Hall of Honor- Two years ago Graham ISD and the Graham Public Education Foundation partnered to create the GPEF Hall of Honor. The 2019 honorees include John E. (Johnny) Allcorn, Miss Willie Allen, Mary McFarlane Pitcock, Dean Smith, Alwana Vaughan, and Georgia Adaline Johnson Wood. The GPEF Hall of Honor banquet will be held at Graham High School on Friday, September 27, 2019, in conjunction with the GHS Homecoming activities. Ticket information will be forthcoming.

There is a famous Zen story that helps to explain the uncertainty of life. It goes like this:

There was a farmer whose horse ran away. In the evening his neighbors gathered to console him since this was such bad luck. “Your farm will suffer since you cannot plow,” they said. “This is a horrible thing that has happened to you.”

The farmer replied, “Maybe yes, maybe no.”

The next day the horse returned but brought with him six wild mustangs. His neighbors celebrated with, “You are richer than before. This turned out to be a good thing after all!”

The farmer replied, “Maybe yes, maybe no.”

The next day the farmer’s son tried to saddle and ride one of the mustangs. He was thrown and broke his leg. The neighbors rushed to the farmer to express their sympathy. “There is too much work for you to do alone, and you will be left poor. This is a terrible misfortune.”

The farmer replied, “Maybe yes, maybe no.”

Soon, the conscription officers came to the village to seize the young men for the army. Because of his broken leg, the farmer’s son was rejected. The neighbors came again and said, “How fortunate! Most young men never return from war. Surely this is the best of fortunes for you!”
And the farmer said again, “Maybe yes, maybe no.”

Alissa Finerman, a life coach, and author, explains that many people view change as bad or good when in reality change is neutral. Any event only takes on a positive or negative spin when we (like the farmer’s neighbors) classify it. It is the uncertainty that leads to anxiety and stress because people find themselves outside of their comfort zones.

Ms. Finerman offers three reasons uncertainty may be good:

1.      Uncertainty leads to major breakthroughs. People have a tendency to only stretch themselves when they find themselves outside of their comfort zone.
2.      Uncertainty leads to a confidence boost. Successfully moving through challenges in life helps people prove to themselves that they can do it. These “wins” need to be acknowledged so that they are more prepared for the next challenge.
3.      Uncertainty leads to growth.


How does the staff at NASA organize a party?

They planet!

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