Friday, August 16, 2024

Steer Nation Message- The Rule of 100: Transform Your Skills With Just 18 Minutes a Day 8/16/24


United Way: Invest In Graham- Please consider donating to the Graham Area United Way. The Graham Area United Way annual campaign is an excellent example of how Graham supports Graham as 100% of your donation stays in our community. The Graham Area United Way supports- BETHEL CHILDREN'S DAY CARE CENTER, GRAHAM BACKPACK BUDDIES, GRAHAM CRISIS CENTER, MEALS ON WHEELS, SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER, VIRGINIA'S HOUSE, and YOUNG COUNTY 4-H CLUB. Your support will make a difference in our community… Invest in Graham!

New Band Hall at GJHS—The district is constructing a new Band Hall at Graham Junior High School. The facility will serve as a certified storm shelter. The $3.8 M project is being funded using the district Fund Balance.

Athletic Event Tickets- Please note that tickets for all Graham High School and Graham Junior High athletic events are purchased online at You can also reach this site from the district webpage- and select the Tickets link. GISD employees and their immediate families are granted general admission entry with their employee badges.

Another convenient method for purchasing Graham ISD athletic event tickets is to download the HomeTown Fan App to your cell phone from the App Store. After loading the app, you will search for the Graham zip code to see a link for each campus. When you select the campus, you will see the scheduled events for the coming week.

If you routinely attend multiple sports events at Graham High School and Graham Junior High School, you may want to consider purchasing an All-Sports Pass. The All-Sports pass is good for admission to all sports events except for varsity football games and tournaments. The All-Sports pass can be purchased via the online ticket portal. 

The Rule of 100: Transform Your Skills with Just 18 Minutes a Day

We often hear that becoming great at something requires years of dedication and countless hours of practice. While there’s truth to that, there's a more accessible approach that can deliver significant results without overwhelming your schedule: the Rule of 100.

The Rule of 100 is a simple yet powerful concept that suggests if you invest 100 hours into learning a skill or discipline, you can achieve a level of proficiency that sets you apart from the average person. This translates to just over 18 minutes a day over the course of a year—manageable for most people.

Why 100 hours? This rule is based on the idea that consistent, focused practice accumulates over time to create exponential improvement. The human brain is designed to learn through repetition, and by dedicating a small but consistent amount of time each day, you reinforce the neural pathways associated with the skill you’re learning.

Unlike the oft-quoted "10,000-hour rule," which suggests that mastery requires years of effort, the Rule of 100 is about significant improvement rather than complete mastery. It’s about becoming better than 95% of people in a particular area. While 100 hours won’t make you an expert, it can take you from knowing nothing to being competent and confident in your abilities.

How to Apply the Rule of 100

  1. Choose Your Discipline: Select a skill or discipline that you want to improve. This could be anything from learning a new language, playing a musical instrument, improving your public speaking, or even mastering a software tool.
  2. Break It Down: Divide the 100 hours into smaller, manageable chunks. This works out to roughly 18 minutes per day. Consistency is key, so aim to practice daily.
  3. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve with those 100 hours. Are you aiming to learn the basics, or do you want to reach an intermediate level? Having clear goals will keep you motivated and focused.
  4. Track Your Progress: Keep a log of the time you spend practicing. This not only helps you stay on track but also gives you a sense of accomplishment as you see your hours adding up.
  5. Reflect and Adjust: Periodically review your progress and adjust your practice routine if necessary. Are there areas where you’re struggling? Spend a little more time on those. Are you finding some tasks too easy? Challenge yourself with something more advanced.

The Rule of 100 teaches valuable lessons in discipline and consistency. By committing to just 18 minutes a day, you’re building a habit of lifelong learning and personal growth. This approach can be applied to virtually any area of life, making it a versatile tool for self-improvement.

The magic of the Rule of 100 lies in its simplicity and accessibility. It’s not about cramming or intense study sessions; it’s about small, consistent efforts that compound over time. This approach helps you avoid burnout and makes the learning process enjoyable rather than overwhelming.

Moreover, the Rule of 100 aligns with the concept of “deliberate practice,” where focused, purposeful practice leads to skill improvement. By dedicating regular time to practice with clear goals in mind, you’re more likely to see tangible progress.

The Rule of 100 is a powerful reminder that you don’t need to dedicate your entire life to a single pursuit to become proficient. Investing just 18 minutes a day can significantly improve any skill or discipline, setting yourself apart from the average person.

So, what will you choose to improve? Whether it’s a personal passion or a professional goal, the Rule of 100 can help you get there—one minute at a time. Start today, and watch as those 100 hours transform your abilities and open up new possibilities in your life.

Have a nice day…take care of yourself and others!


Why do bees have sticky hair? (Scroll down for the answer.)

Because they use a honeycomb!

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