Friday, August 28, 2015

Personal Influence and Lollypop Moments!

Good morning Steer Nation and happy first football Friday!  To begin I want to give a shout out to our Lady Blues Volleyball Team for the outstanding job they did representing themselves and Graham ISD in this past weekends Lu Allen Memorial Tournament. A big thanks goes to the ton of volunteers and local businesses that helped the event be a big success. Specifically, a BIG THANKS to Meredith Sanders for coordinating the tournament! 

Good luck tonight to the Graham Steers as they take on Vernon Lions in Vernon.  “Break a leg” wishes to the Graham High School Rompin Stompin Big Blue Band as they perform their inaugural performance under the direction of our new Director of Bands, Joshua Kidd. 

Best of luck to our Lady Blues Volleyball in the gold bracket of the Argyle tournament this Saturday and our Lady Blues & Steer Cross Country Teams as they compete in Burkburnett this coming week!

Today’s message:

Thought on leadership.... To many times in education we too narrowly define leadership. 

Many see leadership as something provided by those with titles such as assistant principal, principal, director, superintendent, school board, etc.  Those terms are really more about management.  James C. Hunter’s, The Servant states, “Management is what you do; leadership is the person you are and the influence and impact you have upon the people you come in contact with.  Management is not synonymous with leadership.  Leadership is synonymous with influence.”

Are you leading or just taking a walk?

Regardless of title we all possess the ability to influence others.  I believe it is an individual decision regarding how we choose to use our power to influence others.  As educators, this choice is critically important as our guidance has the possibility of stoking or extinguishing the aspirations of our students.

I encourage you to be mindful of your influence when planning learning experiences for our students.  With that said, often times, our most influential moments occur without our realization.  The TEDx/YouTube video, Leading with Lollypop, highlights this thought.

Corny Joke of the Day:

What do you call a group of unorganized cats? (scroll down for the answer)

A Cat-Astrophe

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Teachers… Molders of Dreams

Ready or not here they come!  I understand the pressure of all the preparation of getting your room and yourself ready for the start of a school year.  Although it is important to set the environment with just the right bulletin boards, etc. let us not forget that our personal affect, body language, smile, etc.  sets the “big picture” environment for our campuses and classrooms.

Never forget the influence and awesome responsibility we have as educators.  For many we serve as their first step … for some we serve as the lighthouse that guides their path back toward the right track.

The poem Teachers by Clark Mollenhoff puts to words the impact of teachers.

I hope you all have a restful weekend! 

Teachers… Molders of Dreams By Clark Mollenhoff

You are the molders of their dreams.
The gods who build or crush their
young beliefs of right or wrong.
You are the spark that set aflame the
poet’s hand or lights the flame
in some great singer’s song.
You are the gods of young – the very young.
You are the guardian of a million dreams.
Your every smile or frown can heal or pierce a heart.
Yours are one hundred lives – one thousand lives.
Yours is the pride of loving them, the sorrow too.
Your patient work, your touch, make you the god of hope
That fills their souls with dreams,

and make those dreams come true.

Corny Joke of the Day:
Where does a sheep go for a haircut? (Scroll down for the answer)

To the baaaaa baaaa shop!

Friday, August 14, 2015

It's Not About "I"

The Texas Association of Community Schools Executive Director, Barry Haenish, shared the following story with me.

On a flight to Dallas a few years ago I read an interesting article in the Southwest Airlines magazine. It was titled, “Brag Like Jefferson”. The author mentioned that in his school years he had learned that Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States and that he had authored the Declaration of Independence. But later in life he learned that during Jefferson’s lifetime he never publicly touted his role in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. Intrigued, the author began to study more about the life of this man and learned that even when he was campaigning for the Presidency, most voters had not a clue about Jefferson’s crucial role in writing the foundational document for America’s freedom! Jefferson’s attitude was not based on modesty as much as it was on the fact that in his mind, the Declaration of Independence was selling an idea; it was selling America; so America got the credit!

This discovery only fired a hunger in the man to learn more and more. For instance, he learned that when the draft of the document was completed, Jefferson submitted it to a review committee, and he accepted all of the suggestions the committee offered to improve the document – even the ones with which he disagreed. Jefferson made the changes because he already knew what Jim Collins revealed to us in his book GOOD TO GREAT, that nothing great is accomplished alone. Jefferson knew instinctively that you must first “…get the right people on the bus, and then get them into the right seats before you figure out where to drive the bus.” For this document Jefferson knew that the review team members were the “right” people if the Declaration of Independence had a chance of being sold to the citizens.

Jefferson never considered the Declaration of Independence to be “his”. It was the nation’s document! The ideas expressed were bigger than one person, so others were included in the editing to make sure that its ideas were inclusive and perfect.

Sometimes humility and hard work can create a nation. Many will argue that these characteristics will always build a strong team and a successful school.

As I read this short story I could not help from reflecting on how this applies to our mission providing education and opportunities for our students.  Just think of the synergy that may be created if our school leaders have the courage and confidence to provide our instructional staff with choice and voice.  More importantly, think of the possibilities if our instructional staff develops the skill set and conviction to empower our young people with choice and voice.

Have a great day…. unless you choose otherwise!


Joke of the Day:

How do you make a tissue dance? (Scroll Down For the Answer)

You put a little boogie in it!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Hello Graham ISD

Sonny Cruse
Superintendent of Schools

It official!  The Board of Trustees unanimously approved me as the new superintendent for Graham ISD.  Words can’t express how excited I am to have this opportunity.  I look forward to working with the board, staff, parents and community to improve and implement systems that are beneficial for the students of Graham ISD.
My philosophy of education is deeply rooted in the belief that “one” person can make a difference.  One parent, one mentor, one community member, one teacher, one coach, one administrator can make a significant impact in the education of students.  I strongly believe that all students, regardless of cultural background or socio-economic status, can maximize their potential and become productive citizens in our society.  For the majority of students, this is best accomplished through the combined team efforts of all stakeholders.  However, students who are not successful with this traditional team approach may be searching for that “one” person to make an impact in their lives.  As a superintendent, this philosophy will be implemented daily by working closely with all stakeholders to ensure that systems are in place to encourage and support the advocacy of student success for all.
Parents and families play an incredibly important role in the development and success of their children.  Our schools cannot succeed alone; we need your help. Your daily interest in school experiences and assistance with homework are critical factors.  Additionally, our doors are open for involvement in the schools. I encourage you to visit your child’s school and to become a strong partner in the process.  You are encouraged to call the school to schedule a conference, to volunteer in your child’s school, and to participate in the myriad of activities that enable parents to take an active role in their child’s school experience.

Education is a partnership and with all of us working together we will ensure that all children succeed. It is important that we work together as a team to ensure that our students enjoy an educational experience with high academic Rigor meaningful Relevance, positive Relationships and increased Results.  Remember the quote:

“It’s not what we leave our kids; it’s what we leave within them that counts!”

Again, I am ecstatic about joining the Graham ISD family!  I hope each of you have a blessed day!!!

Sonny Cruse

Graham Independent School District