Friday, March 25, 2016



Congrats to the GHS One Act Play cast, crew and directors for a job well done.  Our play, Picnic, was selected as the 1st place play this week and will advance to the Bi-District contest that will be held in Graham on April 1st.

Our GJHS Lady Blues 4 X 200 M Relay team (Claire Jones, Chloe Menard, Rosie Schaffer & Summer Croxton) is ranked 1st in Texas and 2nd in the Nation on the website. 

Our Graham Steers and Lady Blues golf teams are in 1st place after Round 1.  Coby Bryan shot a 74 and leads the tournament.  Ashley Choate is 2nd individually and Abbi Iles is 3rd.  Good luck to both teams in the upcoming round.

Congrats to the Steers Baseball and Lady Blues Softball! Both teams defeated Castleberry last night!

Newton Stadium Update- Here is our working timeline.
  • Asbestos Abatement work started at Newton Field this week and should be completed by the end of next week.
  • Demolition Schedule
    • Issue package 1 demolition: 3/18/16
    • Pre-bid meeting: 3/28/16
    • Demolition bids due: 4/5/16
    • GISD approval to proceed and issuance of NTP to contractor to start demo: 4/7/16
    • Start demo: 4/11/16
    • Complete demo: 4/30/16
  • Southern Bleacher will begin staging and on-site work on project May 1
  • Elevator
    • Otis Elevator has sent proposal
    • Review and approve: 4/5/16
    • Electrical, Current and Hoistway/ Machine Room Ready: 6/1/16
    • Installation in running order: 8/1/16 


Tons of research touts the benefits of smiling.  In summary, we know:
·      When you smile, you look good and feel good.
·      When others see you smile, they smile too.
·      When others smile, they look good and feel good, too.

Perhaps this is why Mother Teresa said: “I will never understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish.” What’s the catch? Only that the smile you give has to be big, and genuine!

What makes you smile?

The photographer did a great job of matching up the kids and dogs.  I hope you enjoy!

A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy and grace.

And makes the world we live in a better and happier place.

There is a miracle called friendship that dwells in the heart. You do not know how it happens or when it get its start.

But you know the special lift it always brings. You realize that friendship is the world’s most precious gift!

Let old friends know you haven’t forgotten them and tell new friends you never will.

They help out around the house…

They protect our children…

They look out for the smaller ones.

They show us how to relax…

They converse with each other.

They help you when you’re down…

They are great at decorating for the holidays…

They have great expectations.

They are Patriotic!

They are happy to “test” the water.

They love their “teddies”.

They know who’s BOSS.

And they know when we need a good LAUGH!

Have you smiled today?

It is done by moving the corners of your mouth upward.



Corny Easter Jokes for Easter:

Q. What do you get if you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?
A. Hot cross bunnies!
Q. What do you call a rabbit with fleas?
A. Bugs Bunny!
Q. Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a joke?
A. It might crack up!
Q. How did the soggy Easter Bunny dry himself?
A. With a hare-dryer!
Q. Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?
A. Because the chicken had his Easter eggs!
Q. What did the rabbit say to the carrot?
A. It’s been nice gnawing you! 
Q. How did the Easter Bunny rate the Easter parade?
A. He said it was eggs-cellent!
Q. How does the Easter Bunny travel?
A. By hare-plane!
Q. How does the Easter Bunny stay fit?
A. Eggs-ercise and hare-robics!
Q. Why did the Easter egg hide?
A. He was a little chicken!