Graham ISD Veteran’s Day Tribute- Due to impending cold and wet weather tomorrow morning, the 10:00 am GISD Veteran's Day Tribute is being relocated from Newton Field to the Graham High School gym. The event can be viewed on the Steers and Lady Blues Youtube Channel.

Graham Steer Football- The Steers will play Glen Rose tonight at Aledo in the Bi-District round of the playoffs. Kick-off is set for 7:00 pm. All tickets are $5.00 each and must be purchased using this ticket link- Accepting the Following Passes- Sr Citizen Passes, District Passes, Coaches Assn. NO CASH SALES AT THE GATE. GO STEERS!
4-Day School Calendar Survey Results- Below are links to the survey results. Just so you know, the calendar committee team members are still working on completing the data summary for the qualitative questions. Once that is completed, I will be sharing the complete results.
This topic was a discussion item on the November 9th school board meeting agenda. Per that discussion, we continue gathering information regarding the 4-Day Instruction Week. We will be working to develop draft calendars for the 5-Day and 4-Day Instructional Week.
Graham Chamber of Commerce Teachers of the Month- Congratulations to our Graham Chamber of Commerce Teachers of the Month for October 2022! The Elementary Teacher of the Month is Pioneer Elementary's, Maranda Roberts! The Secondary Teacher of the Month is GJHS's, Tony Lipscomb! Thanks a ton to the Graham Chamber of Commerce and Ciera Bank for sponsoring the awards!!! The form to nominate for November is
Graham Stock Show Buyers Committee Annual Fish Fry and Auction- 6:00 pm on Saturday, November 12 at the Young County Arena.

GHS FFA- Graham FFA took nearly 50 students to compete at the District Leadership Development Events (LDEs). Our chapter will be receiving nine banners from this competition. We are very pleased to announce that three teams, possibly four, will be advancing to area competition. Here are the results: Greenhand Creed - 1st place, Spanish Creed - 1st place, Senior Creed - 1st place. All 1st places are advancing to the Area Contest in Abilene! Greenhand Creed - 2nd place, Ag Issues - 3rd place, Senior Skills - 3rd place, Public Relations - 4th place, Senior quiz - 5th place, Greenhand skills - 5th place, Greenhand Quiz -6th place, Agriculture Advocacy- 6th place. Spanish Creed - 6th place, Greenhand quiz - 8th, Job interview - 10th place, Radio Broadcasting - 10th place, Greenhand Radio - 11th place. Student Competitors: Greenhand Creed - Hallie Williams, Spanish Creed - Lizabeth Castillo, Senior Creed - Brailey Brooks, Greenhand Creed - Kimber Pratt, Ag Issues - Creed Jordan, Erica Popplewell, Hailey Fuentes, Haylee Diehl, McKaylee Metcalf, Reagan Birdwell, Emma Herpeche, Senior Skills - Brazier Joy, Brailey Brooks, Bowen Boenisch, Reagan Birdwell, Steven Vaughn, Mason Clayton, Public Relations - Creed Jordan, Erica Popplewell, Hannah Hollingsworth, Lela Chisholm, Senior Quiz - Lemuel Bell, Jamie Smith, Porter Robinson, Lela Allen, Scott Grimes, Lorenzo Simental, Kanyon Crawford, Briley Reeves, Greenhand Skills - Kimber Pratt, McCrea Menard, Kaden McClendon, Nikolas Wankowicz, Rylee Moore, Agriculture Advocacy- Lance Browning, Laney Dundon, Haylee Diehl, Cody Epperson, Spanish Creed - Pamela Mendoza, Greenhand Quiz - Case Etling, Addison Aaron, Hallie Williams, Job Interview - KayCee Mixon, Radio Broadcasting - Zoe Russel, Ozzy Trejo, Hayden Horn, Greenhand Radio - Emma Jobe, Mylee Lattimore, Briley Randall.
GHS Theatre- The GHS theatre department will be presenting Willy Wonka Jr. on December 4th and 5th at Graham High School.

Model What You Want…
A mom just accidentally put a laundry basket down on the LEGO ship that her 7-year-old spent the morning building. She brought it to him and said, “Buddy, I broke your ship; I didn’t see it and I sat the basket on it. I’m sorry.”
His eyes widened in shock, and he said, “Oh man, that took me a really long time to build. I just finished it!”
After a moment, the mom softly asked, “Are you mad?” – His response brought her to tears.
He took a deep breath and said, “I want to be mad, but yesterday when I broke your favorite plate, you didn’t get mad at me. You said it was just a plate and you didn’t make me feel bad. I know that you liked the plate as much as I liked the LEGO ship. It is okay, mom. I can rebuild it.”
That mom just realized that she could tell her kids all day long what kinds of people she hoped they would be. She can ask them to be loving and kind, but in the end, they will be what she shows them to be not what she told them to be!
What do cats like to eat for breakfast? (Scroll down for the answer.)
Mice Crispies!