Friday, October 27, 2023

Prune the Unnecessary- Steer Nation Message 10/27/23


Senior Parent Night at Newton Field- This evening during the pregame activities, we will be recognizing the Senior Varsity Football Players, Cheerleaders, Bella Blues, Athletic Trainers, Band, Blue Crew, Tennis, Cross Country, Golf, and their parents.

Graham FFA Booster Club Where’s The Beef Fundraiser- The FFA Booster Club is selling raffle tickets for ¼ Feedlot Finished Beef and a small chest freezer.  There will be 2 winners.  Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25.  Tickets will be sold at the gate during the 1st half of the home football games on October 27th.  You can also purchase tickets from any FFA member.  The drawing will occur during halftime on the 27th.  You do not have to be present to win. The Graham FFA Gear store is now open.  Please follow the link

Graham Steer Football- The Steers will close out the regular season tonight at 7:00 p.m. vs. the Greenwood. GO STEERS BEAT THE RANGERS!

Graham Junior High Class of 2029 Tailgate Party

Lady Blues Volleyball Playoffs- The Lady Blues will be competing in the Bi-District round of the playoff on Monday, October 30th against the winner of this Saturday's Big Spring/Sweetwater match. If we play Big Spriing the match will played at ACU. If we play Sweetwater the match will be played at Albany. GO LADY BLUES!

Pioneer Elementary Integrity Awards- We are so proud of our Pioneer students who received the integrity award for being honest and truthful at school!

Crestview Elementary Having Science and Halloween Fun!

Woodland Elementary Food Drive- Woodland Elementary and the Student Leadership Team as would like for you to help us gather food for our annual Food Drive. Please see attached flyer for suggested items. All items will be donated locally. The class with the highest totals will earn a pizza party!

Happy Birthday, NCTC Poster Contest- The contest is open to all students in grades K-12. 

Prune the Unnecessary…

An orchard can only remain productive if there is needed and careful pruning!

Pruning cleans away dead, dying, and diseased material.

Pruning removes unnecessary branches, reducing weight on heavy limbs.

I don’t know about you, but I can sure use some reduced weight on heavy limbs!

And Pruning reduces the size of the plant, to help maintain its structural integrity.

Humans have similar issues:

1. Over-extended schedules (little margin)

2. My own expectations

3. Other people’s expectations…

Pruning is done to maximize our fruit production. Branches produce fruit to nourish others, not to satisfy themselves. The more fruit we are able to produce, the more people we can bless.

Take a little time and review your personal and professional commitments. See if there are areas that could be pruned so that your life would be more enjoyable for yourself and others.

Have a nice day… take care of yourself and others!


What does a ghost panda eat? (Scroll down for the answer.)


Thursday, October 19, 2023

5 Lessons Learned From a Pencil- Steer Nation Messsage 10/19/23


Graham ISD Campuses are Blessed by Volunteers From our Local Churches- Did you know that each of our campuses has been “adopted” by a local church? This week Crestview Elementary was treated to a delicious lunch courtesy of the First United Methodist Church, Graham. Their kindness makes a significant impact on our school community!

The Rompin Stompin Big Blue Band Advances to the Area Contest- Congratulations to the RSB3 on earning 1st Division from all judges at the UIL Region 7 Marching Contest and qualifying to advance to the Area UIL Marching Contest! GO RSB3!

Lady Blues and Graham Steer Fall Tennis Earns Academic All-District and All-District Honors- Congratulations to Team Tennis Academic All-District Athletes- Reagan Birdwell, Olivia Buckley, Barron Burrows, Hayden Burrows, Hudson Crawford, Heather Wright, Jade Dospapas, Stacey Gonzalez, Scott Grimes, Lainey Herring, Jaydon Noyola, Luke Qualls, Silas Yoder. Also congratulations to 1st Team All-District Line 1 Girls Singles - Jade Dospapas, 2nd Team All-District Line 5 Girls Singles - Heather Wright, 2nd Team All-District Line 3 Girls Doubles - Reanna Brock/Laney Herring, 2nd Team All-District Line 5 Boys Singles - Barron Burrows,  2nd Team All-District Line 6 Boys Singles - Silas Yoder and Boys Newcomer of the Year - Silas Yoder!

Lady Blues Volleyball Senior Night- The Lady Blues will host Brownwood on Friday evening for Senior Night. The varsity match will begin at 5:00 p.m. GO LADY BLUES BEAT THE LADY LIONS!

Graham Steer Football- The Steers will be on the road on Friday to face the Sweetwater Mustangs. Kickoff will be at 7:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online or with cash at the gate. Click HERE to purchase tickets online. There is not a clear bag policy in place for the Mustang Bowl but outside food or drink is not allowed. GO STEERS BEAT THE MUSTANGS!

Pioneer Day at Pioneer Elementary Was So Much Fun! If you have any doubt look at joy in this picture!

Graham FFA Booster Club Where’s The Beef Fundraiser- The FFA Booster Club is selling raffle tickets for ¼ Feedlot Finished Beef and a small chest freezer.  There will be 2 winners.  Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25.  Tickets will be sold at the gate during the 1st half of the home football games on October 13th and 27th.  You can also purchase tickets from any FFA member.  The drawing will occur during halftime on the 27th.  You do not have to be present to win. The Graham FFA Gear store is now open.  Please follow the link

GHS Student Council Haunted House- The Graham High School Student Council is hosting its’ annual Haunted House on Monday, October 23rd. The “Less Scary” Tour will be from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. and the “Super Scary” Tour will be from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.  The Haunted House is intended for students in grades 4 - 12. Admission is $5. Tickets can be purchased online at this link GHS Stuco Haunted House or at the door.  The entrance to Haunted House will be from the student parking lot behind the home side at Newton Field.


Happy Birthday, NCTC Poster Contest- The contest is open to all students in grades K-12. 

5 Lessons Learned From a Pencil

1st: everything you do will always leave a mark.


2nd: you can always correct the mistakes you make.


3rd: what is important is what is inside you.


4th: in life, you will undergo painful sharpening which will make you a better pencil.


And the most important is… 5th: to be the best pencil you can be, you must allow yourself to be held & guided!

Have a nice day… take care of yourself and others!


Why don’t mummies have friends? (Scroll down for the answer.)

Because they are too wrapped up in themselves!

Friday, October 13, 2023

Ride for the Brand- Steer Nation Message 10/13/23


GISD Board of Trustees Approve Construction of New Band Hall- On October 11, the Graham ISD School Board unanimously approved the construction of a new band hall at Graham Junior High School. The band hall project will cost approximately $3.6 million and is being funded from the district’s savings account (Fund Balance). 

GISD Board Moving Forward With Planning for a May 2024 Bond Election- In September the Board approved the below scope of work to possibly be considered for a May 2024 Bond Election.

Proposition 1

  • Add space at Pioneer Elementary to allow the campus to serve grades PK-2.

    • Additional instructional space.

    • Additional gymnasium.

    • Additional playground space.

    • Additional parking.

    • Improved traffic control.

  • Renovations at Crestview Elementary to allow the campus to serve grades 3-5.

    • Expansion of cafeteria dining space.

    • Restroom renovations.

  • Upon completion of the above, demolition of Woodland Elementary but maintain ownership of the property.

Proposition 2

  • Construction of an enclosed multipurpose practice facility at Graham High School.

On October 11, 2023, the Board set a Community Input Workshop for 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, at the Graham Learning Center (corner of 2nd/Tennessee adjacent to GJHS), to provide an overview of the proposed projects and receive community input.

During the workshop, the proposed projects, the proposed cost, and the anticipated impact on the tax rate will be discussed. Please mark your calendar to attend so that your voice can be heard regarding these proposed projects.

GHS Cross Country Runner Earns Trip to Regionals- Congratulations to Graham High School’s Tyson Weaver on qualifying to compete at the Regional Cross Country Meet in Lubbock!

RSB3 Set to Compete at the Region Marching Contest- Best of luck to the Rompin Stompin Big Blue Band who will be competing this Saturday in the UIL Region 7 Marching Contest at Mineral Wells High School. Our performance time will be 5:00 p.m. The 4A rankings will be announced at 5:45 p.m. GO RSB3!

Graham Steer Football- The Steers will host Snyder tonight at 7:00 p.m. at Newton Field. GO STEERS BEAT THE TIGERS!

GHS Theatre-  Get your tickets today for the October 16 & 17 performances of How To Get Away With A Murder Mystery. Tickets are available at the THIS LINK. 

Crestview Elementary Star Students and Writers of the Month- Congratulations to Martin, Ethan, Emmitt, Azael, Alice, Tatum, Arrowbella, Bryson, Emma, and Arianna on being Star Students of the Month! Also congratulations to Waylon, Brigham, Noah, Dylan, Haddie, Alice, Hadley, and Olivia for being our Writers of the Month! We are so proud of these awesome students!

Woodland Elementary Being Proactive and Responsible- We have been sharing what it means to be PROACTIVE and RESPONSIBLE in our House Huddles and these students were teacher-nominated as exhibiting these wonderful characteristics! Congratulations to all. Stay tuned as we honor more students who have been "caught demonstrating responsibility"!

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Ride for the Brand by Chip Schweiger, The Cowboy Accountant™

Chip Schweiger’s Blog can be found at

In the old West cowboys lived by a code, the code of the West. This code was informal and unwritten, but well-understood by everyone who agreed to live the cowboy life on the open range. One of those unwritten rules, passed by mouth to ear from old cowboys to new ranch hands, was that the cowboy should always “ride for the brand.” In the early days of the American West, a brand was a ranch’s trademark, used to separate and document ownership of livestock. The brand also represented pride, duty, and stewardship, which inspired loyalty and dedication.

A brand could be as simple and straightforward as the iconic “Four Sixes” of the Burnett Ranches or as complex as the Rocking Diamond Lazy Double H brand (think about that one for just a minute). Brands were and are used to permanently mark cattle, horses, and sometimes other livestock in spring and fall roundups where cattle are gathered on the ranges in order to brand and earmark the calves, wean, sort for ownership, and cut out those wanted for shipment to market.

When calves were branded, two “ketch hands” usually rode into the herd to do the roping. Two other cowboys, the “flankers” stood by the fire, ready to catch the calf. The brander, or “iron man” yelled, “Hot iron!” and the “iron tender,” who heated the branding irons, came up from the fire with an iron glowing cherry-red. After the branding, if the calf being branded was a male it was castrated and thus became a steer (which a whole different blog article!). Then came the “doctors,” or “medicine men” with jars of disinfectant to smear on the wounds, and also a “needle man” who quickly gave inoculations for every manner of diseases.

During branding season, the “tally man” was really the only cowboy with an easy job. He was usually an older man or one not physically fit for heavier work. When a roper dragged in a calf he shouted the brand of its mother. The tallyman echoed this call and recorded it in his smudged book, which provided the ranch owner an estimate of the season’s profit. Branding was no job for a weakling. It was hard, dusty, exhausting work and a testament to a cowboy’s devotion to his chosen occupation. But, it was also necessary to work to promote the ranch’s brand and was a part of the requirement for a cowboy when he signed on.

Four sixes barnThe iconic “Four Sixes” brand painted on a red barn at the National Ranching Heritage Center in Lubbock, Texas.

As to riding for a brand, cowboy poet Red Steagall summed it up best in one of his poems that earned him recognition as the Official Cowboy Poet of Texas, “Son, a man’s brand is his own special mark that says this is mine, leave it alone. You hire out to a man, ride for his brand, and protect it like it was your own.” So, what does it mean to ride for a brand? How do we know when and how to ride for a brand? In the old west, when a cowboy rode for the brand, it meant that he had signed on to the mission, goals, and aims of the ranch owner. It meant that he was committed and that he was a dedicated team player. It meant, in the words of Red Stegall, that he gave his promise to protect the brand as though it were his own.

In the early days of the famed King Ranch, drought-ravaged South Texas and Northern Mexico, which spurred Captain Richard King to travel to the small hamlet of Cruillas in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. There, he found the townspeople also attempting to survive the serious drought, and made them a proposition: if they would come to work this new ranch under his brand, he would provide them with food, shelter, and income. These expert horsemen became known as Los Kineños — King’s people — and became legendary for their contributions to taming the American West. Their descendants still live and work the King Ranch to this day, giving new meaning to riding for the brand.

A few years back, I had an opportunity to travel to The Netherlands to visit the outsourced warehouse of my distribution client. The warehouse was massive, with the latest in barcode technology, which housed — together with the goods of other companies — all the products my client sold in Europe. Being a good accountant, I asked for a copy of the warehousing agreement so that I could evaluate the arrangement. After 15 minutes or so, the warehouse manager brought me back a six-page, single-sided legal document. While it was appropriately signed by both parties, it looked at first glance to me to be a bit light.

Now I’d been trained, mind you, to judge the worth of any agreement by the time-honored “weight test.” The heavier the pile of papers, presumable the better the legal protections. With dismay in my voice, I clarified, “I actually need the entire document, including all schedules and exhibits.” With a look of confusion, the Dutch plant manager replied, “That IS the entire agreement!” So with confusion equal to my dismay, and matching his frustration, I read this seemingly light-on-details agreement and learned that its elegance was in its simplicity. In substance it said, the warehouse will care for the customer’s goods as though they were their own, and the customer will pay the warehouse fairly and on time. That’s it. Simple, compelling, and easy to understand.

“Son, a man’s brand is his own special mark that says this is mine, leave it alone. You hire out to a man, ride for his brand, and protect it like it was your own.”— the poem Ride for the Brand by Red Steagall

If you’re asking what this has to do at all with a cowboy branding a cow, my take is that when we agree to start that new job, be it on a ranch or in a warehouse, we agree to give our best efforts. We agree to treat that business as though it were our own. We agree to an honest effort without excuses, complaining, or shortcuts. And, if we aren’t willing to do so, we have no business being on that ranch’s (or business’s) payroll. We agree to a simple, compelling, and easy-to-understand role.

Now, before accusing me of being preachy, understand that agreeing to ride for a brand doesn’t mean blindly following an unethical business or corrupt owner straight down to Hell. It does, however, mean that when we sign on the dotted line, we should seek to give our best efforts and should look after the company’s assets as though they were our own while doing everything we reasonably can to protect and promote that organization.

I suppose my belief is that we don’t need legal documents to tell us what we should and shouldn’t do and we certainly don’t need reams of paper to govern how we treat each other. Thinking in my naive way, if we would ride for the brand and agree to do everything we could to earn our pay, we wouldn’t need HR policies and dress codes, performance improvement plans, and counseling sessions. In short, we might make things easier for ourselves and easier for those around us.

When we give an honest day's work, each day and every day, we are more personally satisfied with our efforts and ironically we’re seen as more valuable by an organization. And, more valuable, means more frequent promotions, bigger raises, and extra bonuses. So, if we want to improve ourselves professionally, perhaps we can think like the cowboy and ride for the brand. Each day and every day, no matter how tired we may be and no matter how much we may disagree with the strategic direction, because, well, just like the cowboy that’s what we agreed to do. It’s the promise we’ve made and the code we live by. In that way, whether we’ve ever thrown a leg over a horse, roped a cow, or enjoyed a meal from the back of a chuck wagon, we are living the cowboy way of life and enjoying the tangible and intangible benefits that accrue to us.

With that, I’m off to do my best to ride for the brand. Until next time, happy trails! ★

Have a nice day… take care of yourself and others!


What do you call a happy cowboy? (Scroll down for the answer.)

A Jolly Rancher!