Friday, October 11, 2024

In All You Do, Try to Be a Wow, Not a Woe!


HOCO Banner by GHS National Art Society Students

Pioneer Elementary- There is always lots of fun and learning happening at Pioneer! Enjoy the smiles at Twin Day!

Crestview Elementary- Flashlight reading in the Library was lots of fun! The students kickoffed Homecoming Week with Twin Day!!!

Woodland Elementary—Thank you to Tyler Figg and his friends at Hub for creating these wonderful soccer goals and providing nets! You sure put a bunch of smiles on our students' faces! Thanks also to Mrs. Heathcoat for coordinating all of this.

Graham Junior High- Congratulations to Ailan, Abigail, and Austion on being named the GJHS students of the week!

Lady Blues Golf- The Lady Blues finished 3rd Place at Decatur this week. Congratulations!

Lady Blues Volleyball- Congrats on the Tuesday victory over Mineral Wells!  The Lady Blues will host Brownwood this afternoon at 4:30 pm. GO LADY BLUES! 

Graham Steer Football: The Steers will host Burkburnett this evening for Homecoming. Kick-off will be at 7:00 p.m. GO STEERS… BEAT THE BULLDOGS!

In All You Do, Try to Be a Wow, Not a Woe!

Inspired by the quote from Dr. Debasish Mridha

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind, to go through the motions and settle into routines that don’t always inspire or energize us. Yet, we’ve all encountered those rare moments where someone or something makes us pause, smile, or think, “Wow.” These moments linger with us, often sparking joy or leaving us with a sense of awe.

The quote, “In all you do, try to be a wow and not a woe,” by Dr. Debasish Mridha, challenges us to be that source of positivity, creativity, and impact in every aspect of our lives. Let’s explore what it means to embody this mindset and how it can transform not only our own experience but also the lives of those around us.

Be a Wow in Your Work

Regardless of your position or role within an organization, the difference between good and great often lies in the effort and passion you bring to your work. To “be a wow” means going beyond what’s expected—bringing innovation, excellence, and enthusiasm to every task.

Instead of approaching work as a series of obligations, see it as an opportunity to make a difference. When you deliver beyond what’s asked, solve problems creatively, or show dedication to quality, you inspire others. You set a standard. You become the person that others look to as a leader, regardless of your official title.

Ask yourself: How can I turn this assignment or project into something that stands out? How can I go beyond the ordinary and exceed expectations?

Be a Wow in Relationships

Relationships are at the heart of everything we do, whether personal or professional. Being a "wow" in relationships means showing up for others with authenticity, kindness, and empathy. It’s about actively listening, being present, and offering support when needed, even when it’s inconvenient. It’s about creating memorable experiences for others through thoughtful gestures and meaningful conversations.

When you choose to be a wow in relationships, you uplift those around you. You become the person who brightens someone’s day, who brings positivity into a room, and who is remembered for how you made others feel.

Ask yourself: Am I being the kind of friend, colleague, or family member who leaves others feeling valued and appreciated?

Be a Wow in Challenges

Life inevitably brings challenges, setbacks, and obstacles. It’s during these times that the choice to be a wow becomes even more important. Being a "wow" in adversity means embracing resilience and maintaining a positive attitude in the face of hardship. It means finding solutions instead of dwelling on problems and encouraging others to do the same.

Rather than being weighed down by the woe of challenges, use them as opportunities to grow, learn, and innovate. Your approach to adversity can inspire others to do the same, turning difficulties into opportunities for transformation.

Ask yourself: How can I approach this challenge in a way that uplifts myself and others?

Be a Wow in Everyday Life

Sometimes, it’s the small things that make the biggest impact. Being a wow doesn’t always require grand gestures or monumental achievements. It can be as simple as offering a smile to a stranger, showing gratitude to a coworker, or taking a moment to appreciate life’s little joys.

By consistently choosing to be a wow in everyday life, you create a ripple effect of positivity. Your actions, no matter how small, can make someone’s day a little brighter. And over time, these small moments of “wow” can lead to a life filled with meaning and purpose.

Ask yourself: What small action can I take today to bring joy or positivity to someone else?

Dr. Debasish Mridha’s quote reminds us that we all have the power to choose how we show up in the world. In everything you do, from your work to your relationships and how you handle challenges, you have the opportunity to be a wow—someone who inspires, uplifts, and leaves a lasting impact.

So, as you go through your day, ask yourself: Am I being a wow or a woe? The choice is yours.


Why didn’t the skeleton go to homecoming? (Scroll down for the answer.)

Because he had no body to go with!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Adversity Will Come... You Choose the Response

Adversity Will Come… You Choose the Response

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Just when you think you have everything in order, adversity often knocks at your door—uninvited and unavoidable. Challenges, whether personal, professional, or emotional, are inevitable. But while we cannot control the arrival of adversity, we have absolute power over how we respond. This choice shapes our character and our future.

Adversity doesn’t discriminate. It comes in different forms: loss, failure, disappointment, health issues, financial struggles, and even relational conflicts. No one is immune, and often, these moments arrive when we least expect them, leaving us feeling vulnerable or unprepared. However, adversity isn’t just a roadblock—it’s an opportunity for growth and transformation. It offers lessons that we can’t learn through comfort or success.

When faced with adversity, it’s easy to react. A reaction is immediate, often driven by emotion, and may not always serve our best interests. For instance, when faced with a professional setback, the initial reaction might be frustration, anger, or despair. We might find ourselves spiraling into negativity or blame.

But choosing a response is different from reacting. A response requires intentionality and mindfulness. It’s taking a step back, assessing the situation, and deciding how to proceed in a way that aligns with your values and long-term goals. A thoughtful response can turn adversity into a stepping stone, rather than a stumbling block.

Perspective plays a crucial role in how we respond to adversity. Two people can face the same challenge, yet their responses might be worlds apart due to their mindset. One person may see failure as the end of the road, while another views it as a valuable learning experience that brings them one step closer to success.

Consider this: when faced with a challenging situation, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” and “How can I use this to grow?” This shift in perspective reframes adversity, making it less about the obstacle itself and more about your journey through it.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, and it’s a skill that can be developed over time. People who are resilient don’t avoid adversity—they learn how to navigate it with grace and strength. They understand that setbacks are part of life and that every challenge holds the potential for personal growth.

To build resilience, focus on these key areas:

  • Emotional Regulation: Practice staying calm and grounded when adversity strikes. Mindfulness, deep breathing, and meditation can help.

  • Problem-Solving: Break down the challenge into smaller, manageable steps. What actions can you take right now to improve the situation?

  • Support Networks: Lean on friends, family, mentors, or colleagues. No one needs to face adversity alone, and seeking support isn’t a sign of weakness, but of wisdom.

  • Optimism: Cultivate hope for the future, even in the darkest moments. Believe that things can improve, and often, they will.

Ultimately, adversity is inevitable, but suffering is optional. We can’t always change our circumstances, but we can choose how we respond to them. We can choose growth over stagnation, optimism over despair, and action over passivity.

When faced with challenges, remember that you hold the power to respond in a way that honors your potential. Adversity may come, but it’s your response that will define who you become.

Let adversity be the catalyst for your growth, not the chain that holds you back. The choice is yours.


Did you hear about the archaeologist who got fired? (Scroll down for the answer.)

His career is in ruins!

Friday, September 20, 2024

"Be Proud of Your Choices, Not Your Gifts" - A Reflection on Intentional Leadership

In John Maxwell’s High Road Leadership, there’s a powerful quote that stands out: "Be proud of your choices, not your gifts." This simple statement holds profound wisdom, especially for leaders who aim to grow and create meaningful impact.

Understanding the Difference Between Gifts and Choices

Our gifts—whether they are talents, intelligence, or even opportunities—are often things we are born with or inherit through circumstances beyond our control. They’re part of our natural makeup. While it's tempting to take pride in these gifts, doing so often leads to complacency. When we lean too much on our talents, we may overlook the importance of personal growth, hard work, and the deliberate decisions that actually shape our character.

In contrast, choices represent conscious actions we take every day. The way we respond to challenges, the ethical paths we decide to follow, the work we put in to develop our abilities—these are all choices that reflect who we truly are as individuals and as leaders. Maxwell’s point is clear: gifts might open the door, but it’s our choices that define how far we’ll go and how much we’ll positively impact the lives of others.

The Role of Choices in Leadership

Leaders are constantly presented with decisions that shape not only their lives but also the lives of those around them. While natural gifts may inspire others initially, it’s the consistent, thoughtful choices a leader makes that earn trust, respect, and loyalty. Maxwell emphasizes that it’s the high road, often the most challenging path, that separates great leaders from average ones.

Making difficult decisions, upholding values in the face of adversity, and leading with integrity are all choices that, over time, define the quality of leadership. Leaders who recognize that their choices, not their gifts, are what truly matter, foster environments of accountability, empowerment, and growth.

Celebrating Choices Over Gifts

By focusing on the choices we make rather than the gifts we have, we create a mindset that is centered around growth. We learn to be proud of the work we've done, the habits we've built, and the perseverance we've shown in the face of adversity. This is the essence of intentional leadership—knowing that true pride comes from effort, not ease.

Leaders who embody this philosophy inspire their teams to also take pride in their efforts. They cultivate a culture where growth is valued over mere talent, where everyone is encouraged to make conscious, positive choices in their work and relationships.

Conclusion: The True Measure of Success

Maxwell’s quote reminds us that while our natural abilities may set us on a path, it’s the decisions we make along the way that define our journey. Whether in leadership or in life, success comes from being intentional, making wise choices, and striving to grow. Ultimately, what truly matters is not the talents we possess but the legacy we built through the choices we made.

Let us be proud, not of our gifts, but of the choices that shape who we become.


Why was the tree stumped?

Because it couldn't get to the root of the problem!

Friday, September 6, 2024

How Deep is the Mud? Depend on Who You Ask!


Pioneer Elementary- Creating readers and writers daily!

Crestview Elementary- Mark your calendars… Grandparents Day Breakfasts are scheduled for September 9, 10, and 11.

Woodland Elementary- Cheerleaders, Football players, Big Blue, AND Woodland Warriors on campus to greeting students and staff… Can it get any better?

Lady Blues Volleyball- The Lady Blues will host Iowa Park this afternoon at 4:30 pm. GO LADY BLUES!

Lady Blues and Graham Steer Cross Country- Our cross-country teams will compete this morning in Mineral Wells. GO STEERS AND LADY BLUES!

Graham Steer Football- The Steers are on the road this evening at Sprintown. Kick-off is set for 7:00 p.m. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS. GO STEERS… BEAT THE PORCUPINES!

GHS FFA Steers and Lady Blooms Monthly Floral Arrangement Subscription—The Advanced Floral Design students will create an arrangement for the months of September, October, November, and December. To become a Steers and  Lady Blooms subscription member, please complete the form using the link below. It will be $150 for all four months. We also have a special deal: Subscribe for the entire year (8 arrangements) at the beginning of the year for just $250! PLEASE CLICK HERE TO JOIN!

How Deep is the Mud? Depends on Who You Ask!

Have you ever heard the saying, "How deep is the mud? Depends on who you ask." It’s a simple yet powerful metaphor for how our perceptions shape our experiences and reactions to the challenges we face. The "mud" represents the difficulties and obstacles in life, and its depth symbolizes the magnitude of those challenges. But what if the depth of that mud isn’t a fixed measure? What if it varies depending on the person’s perspective, mindset, and resilience?

The Power of Perspective

Imagine two people walking through the same muddy field. One person, standing tall and confident, might only find the mud ankle-deep—a minor inconvenience that requires a bit of effort to push through. Another person, weary and burdened, might perceive the same mud as knee-deep, almost overwhelming, and difficult to navigate.

This difference in perception highlights the power of perspective. Our mindset and attitude towards challenges can significantly influence how we experience them. A person with a positive outlook may see challenges as opportunities for growth, while someone with a negative mindset may view the same challenges as insurmountable barriers.

The Role of Resilience

Resilience plays a crucial role in how we perceive the depth of the mud. Resilient individuals have the ability to bounce back from adversity and keep moving forward, even when the mud feels like it’s dragging them down. They’ve built the mental and emotional strength to face challenges head-on, often seeing them as temporary and surmountable.

On the other hand, those who struggle with resilience might find themselves stuck, feeling like the mud is too deep to escape. For them, every step forward might feel like a monumental effort, leading to frustration and despair.

The Influence of Experience

Experience also shapes our perception of the "mud" we encounter. Someone who has faced and overcome significant challenges in the past may see current difficulties as less daunting. They’ve been in the mud before and know how to navigate it. In contrast, someone who hasn’t faced similar challenges might feel overwhelmed, perceiving the mud as deeper and more treacherous than it actually is.

Our past experiences equip us with the tools and knowledge to handle future challenges. They teach us that even when the mud is deep, we have the ability to get through it—if we keep pushing forward.

Empathy and Understanding

Understanding that the depth of the mud depends on who you ask fosters empathy. It reminds us that everyone’s struggles are unique and deeply personal. What seems like a minor challenge to one person could be a significant hardship to another. Recognizing this helps us offer support and encouragement without judgment, acknowledging that everyone’s journey through the mud is different.

Choosing How We See the Mud

The next time you find yourself in the mud—whether it’s ankle-deep or knee-deep—remember that your perception shapes your reality. You can change how deep the mud feels by cultivating a positive perspective, building resilience, and drawing on past experiences. And when you see someone else struggling, offer a hand or a kind word, understanding that their mud might be deeper than yours.

Ultimately, the depth of the mud depends not just on who you ask but also on how you see it. With the right mindset, we can navigate even the deepest mud and emerge stronger on the other side.


How do chickens encourage their teams? (Scroll down for the answer.)

They egg them on!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Long-Term Consistency Trumps Short-Term Intensity: The Key to Lasting Success


Lady Blue Lillian Noble Name Athlete of the Week- Congratulations to GHS senior volleyballer Lillian Noble for being named KFDX/Texoma’s Athlete of the Week. During eight matches (17 sets) of the Lu Allen Tournament, Lillian had 65 kills, 17 aces, 58 digs, and 22 blocks.

Pioneer Elementary- Reading, writing, math, science, sensory lab, centers, science experiments, and more… all the things we do in a Kindergarten day at Pioneer Elementary!

Crestview Elementary- Mark your calendars… Grandparents Day Breakfasts are scheduled for September 9, 10, and 11.

Lady Blues Volleyball- The Lady Blues are in Alabama, competing in the Labor Day Classic tournament. GO LADY BLUES!

Graham Steer Football- The Steer are hosting Midland Christian this evening at Newton Field. Kick-off is set for 7:00 p.m. GO STEERS… BEAT THE MUSTANGS!

Steer Stampede-

United Way: Invest In Graham- Please consider donating to the Graham Area United Way. The Graham Area United Way annual campaign is an excellent example of how Graham supports Graham as 100% of your donation stays in our community. The Graham Area United Way supports- BETHEL CHILDREN'S DAY CARE CENTER, GRAHAM BACKPACK BUDDIES, GRAHAM CRISIS CENTER, MEALS ON WHEELS, SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER, VIRGINIA'S HOUSE, and YOUNG COUNTY 4-H CLUB. Your support will make a difference in our community… Invest in Graham!

Athletic Event Tickets- Please note that tickets for all Graham High School and Graham Junior High athletic events are purchased online at You can also reach this site from the district webpage- and select the Tickets link. GISD employees and their immediate families are granted general admission entry with their employee badges.

Another convenient method for purchasing Graham ISD athletic event tickets is to download the HomeTown Fan App to your cell phone from the App Store. After loading the app, you will search for the Graham zip code to see a link for each campus. When you select the campus, you will see the scheduled events for the coming week.

If you routinely attend multiple sports events at Graham High School and Graham Junior High School, you may want to consider purchasing an All-Sports Pass. The All-Sports pass is good for admission to all sports events except for varsity football games and tournaments. The All-Sports pass can be purchased via the online ticket portal. 

Long-Term Consistency Trumps Short-Term Intensity: The Key to Lasting Success

In a world that often celebrates quick wins and overnight success, the allure of short-term intensity is strong. We are bombarded with stories of individuals who made drastic changes, achieved rapid results, and seemingly reached their goals in record time. However, for most of us, these stories are more exception than rule. The reality is that long-term consistency, rather than short-term intensity, is the key to lasting success in any endeavor.

The Illusion of Short-Term Intensity

Short-term intensity is often appealing because it promises quick results. Whether it's a crash diet, a rigorous workout plan, or an intense study session, the idea is that pushing ourselves to the limit will yield immediate and significant outcomes. However, this approach is often unsustainable. The energy and willpower required to maintain such intensity can quickly lead to burnout, and when the effort stops, so do the results.

Moreover, short-term intensity often overlooks the importance of building habits and skills that can be sustained over the long haul. Without these, any gains made through intense effort will likely be temporary, leaving us back where we started or even worse off.

The Power of Long-Term Consistency

In contrast, long-term consistency involves making steady, incremental progress over time. It's not about going all out in the short term but about showing up every day, putting in the work, and consistently making small improvements. This approach might not yield dramatic results immediately, but over time, it can lead to profound and lasting changes.

Consider the example of exercise. A person who exercises moderately but consistently over several years will likely see more significant and lasting health benefits than someone who engages in an extreme workout regimen for a few weeks and then quits. The same principle applies to learning a new skill, building a business, or achieving any other long-term goal.

Why Consistency Matters

  1. Habit Formation: Long-term consistency helps form habits. When actions are repeated regularly, they become automatic, reducing the need for conscious effort and making them easier to maintain over time.
  2. Compounding Effect: Small, consistent actions have a compounding effect. Just like compound interest, the benefits of consistency build up over time, leading to exponential growth and progress.
  3. Sustainability: Consistent actions are more sustainable because they are less likely to lead to burnout. When goals are pursued at a manageable pace, it’s easier to maintain motivation and avoid the pitfalls of exhaustion.
  4. Adaptability: Long-term consistency allows for adjustments along the way. Instead of being locked into an intense regimen, a consistent approach gives the flexibility to adapt to changes in circumstances, needs, and goals.

Building a Consistent Approach

Setting realistic and achievable goals is essential for embracing long-term consistency. Break down your larger goals into smaller, manageable steps and focus on making progress each day, no matter how small. Celebrate the milestones along the way, and remember that consistency is a journey, not a destination.

Another critical aspect is developing a routine that supports your goals. Whether scheduling time for exercise, setting aside daily reading time, or dedicating specific hours to a project, having a routine can help reinforce consistency.

Lastly, patience is crucial. Results may take time to come, but trust in the process. Over time, the cumulative effect of your consistent efforts will become evident, leading to meaningful and sustainable success.

In conclusion, while short-term intensity might offer quick wins, the power of long-term consistency ultimately leads to lasting success. By committing to steady, incremental progress, forming sustainable habits, and allowing time for growth, we can achieve our goals in a way that endures. Remember, it’s not about how fast you can go but how long you can keep going.


How do you football players deal with their problems? (Scroll down for the answer.)

They tackle them head-on!