Friday, October 11, 2024

In All You Do, Try to Be a Wow, Not a Woe!


HOCO Banner by GHS National Art Society Students

Pioneer Elementary- There is always lots of fun and learning happening at Pioneer! Enjoy the smiles at Twin Day!

Crestview Elementary- Flashlight reading in the Library was lots of fun! The students kickoffed Homecoming Week with Twin Day!!!

Woodland Elementary—Thank you to Tyler Figg and his friends at Hub for creating these wonderful soccer goals and providing nets! You sure put a bunch of smiles on our students' faces! Thanks also to Mrs. Heathcoat for coordinating all of this.

Graham Junior High- Congratulations to Ailan, Abigail, and Austion on being named the GJHS students of the week!

Lady Blues Golf- The Lady Blues finished 3rd Place at Decatur this week. Congratulations!

Lady Blues Volleyball- Congrats on the Tuesday victory over Mineral Wells!  The Lady Blues will host Brownwood this afternoon at 4:30 pm. GO LADY BLUES! 

Graham Steer Football: The Steers will host Burkburnett this evening for Homecoming. Kick-off will be at 7:00 p.m. GO STEERS… BEAT THE BULLDOGS!

In All You Do, Try to Be a Wow, Not a Woe!

Inspired by the quote from Dr. Debasish Mridha

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind, to go through the motions and settle into routines that don’t always inspire or energize us. Yet, we’ve all encountered those rare moments where someone or something makes us pause, smile, or think, “Wow.” These moments linger with us, often sparking joy or leaving us with a sense of awe.

The quote, “In all you do, try to be a wow and not a woe,” by Dr. Debasish Mridha, challenges us to be that source of positivity, creativity, and impact in every aspect of our lives. Let’s explore what it means to embody this mindset and how it can transform not only our own experience but also the lives of those around us.

Be a Wow in Your Work

Regardless of your position or role within an organization, the difference between good and great often lies in the effort and passion you bring to your work. To “be a wow” means going beyond what’s expected—bringing innovation, excellence, and enthusiasm to every task.

Instead of approaching work as a series of obligations, see it as an opportunity to make a difference. When you deliver beyond what’s asked, solve problems creatively, or show dedication to quality, you inspire others. You set a standard. You become the person that others look to as a leader, regardless of your official title.

Ask yourself: How can I turn this assignment or project into something that stands out? How can I go beyond the ordinary and exceed expectations?

Be a Wow in Relationships

Relationships are at the heart of everything we do, whether personal or professional. Being a "wow" in relationships means showing up for others with authenticity, kindness, and empathy. It’s about actively listening, being present, and offering support when needed, even when it’s inconvenient. It’s about creating memorable experiences for others through thoughtful gestures and meaningful conversations.

When you choose to be a wow in relationships, you uplift those around you. You become the person who brightens someone’s day, who brings positivity into a room, and who is remembered for how you made others feel.

Ask yourself: Am I being the kind of friend, colleague, or family member who leaves others feeling valued and appreciated?

Be a Wow in Challenges

Life inevitably brings challenges, setbacks, and obstacles. It’s during these times that the choice to be a wow becomes even more important. Being a "wow" in adversity means embracing resilience and maintaining a positive attitude in the face of hardship. It means finding solutions instead of dwelling on problems and encouraging others to do the same.

Rather than being weighed down by the woe of challenges, use them as opportunities to grow, learn, and innovate. Your approach to adversity can inspire others to do the same, turning difficulties into opportunities for transformation.

Ask yourself: How can I approach this challenge in a way that uplifts myself and others?

Be a Wow in Everyday Life

Sometimes, it’s the small things that make the biggest impact. Being a wow doesn’t always require grand gestures or monumental achievements. It can be as simple as offering a smile to a stranger, showing gratitude to a coworker, or taking a moment to appreciate life’s little joys.

By consistently choosing to be a wow in everyday life, you create a ripple effect of positivity. Your actions, no matter how small, can make someone’s day a little brighter. And over time, these small moments of “wow” can lead to a life filled with meaning and purpose.

Ask yourself: What small action can I take today to bring joy or positivity to someone else?

Dr. Debasish Mridha’s quote reminds us that we all have the power to choose how we show up in the world. In everything you do, from your work to your relationships and how you handle challenges, you have the opportunity to be a wow—someone who inspires, uplifts, and leaves a lasting impact.

So, as you go through your day, ask yourself: Am I being a wow or a woe? The choice is yours.


Why didn’t the skeleton go to homecoming? (Scroll down for the answer.)

Because he had no body to go with!

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