Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Hornet Message 11-21-14

Happy Friday, Hornets!

TEA On Site Report... You may recall this past April the district received a visit fro the Texas Education Agency due to being labeled as Stage 4 for bilingual education/English as a second language, stage 3 for special education and stage 2 for residential facilities. On October 30, 2014, the District received the official report of findings from the TEA. The report included five findings of noncompliance and twenty-seven recommendations/required actions. The district is required to submit a corrective action plan (CAP) to the Board of Trustees and to the TEA by December 1, 2014. Attached is a copy of the CAP that was shared with the Board and will be submitted to the TEA. Additionally, I have attached a copy of the TEA recommendations and required actions.

Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting... The agenda for the PAC meeting is determined by the staff of Huntsville ISD by forwarding questions to their campus/department PAC representative. This past Monday we addressed questions related to the Catastrophic Leave Bank and the purchase of football tickets. The notes from the meeting are attached.

TLP Grant... This week students were chosen to participate in the upcoming TLP Grant. Congratulations to the students of the following teachers: HIS: Gabrielle Beaty, Michelle Rush, Bridget Smiley, Karol Smith, and Jessica Stolp; MPMS: Sheila Baucke, Amber Bearden, Jamie Nash, Angela Skains, and Meagan Weidenbenner; HHS: David Brockhausen, George Hourahan, and, Keith Jeffcoat.

Texas Association for Pupil Transportation Speech Contest... Please see the attached letter I received on November 19, 2014 announcing a scholarship speech contest for students in grade 9-12.

Tis the Giving Season... I am continually amazed at the giving spirit exhibited by our Hornet staff. The Fall Huntsville Education Foundation Jean Pass Campaign yielded $9,890 from HISD employees. Currently, the district is collecting NEW unwrapped toys for the annual KSAM MASH (Make a Smile Happen) Toy Drive. If you would like to participate drop off donations by December 2nd at any HISD campus or the HAB. Next up... Be on the look out for info on the HISD Buyers' Group annual campaign to benefit the efforts of HISD students participating in the upcoming Walker County Fair as well as a December Food Drive to help stock the Good Shepherd Mission's food pantry.

Hornets in Action.. Cudos to Vanessa Tindall and Cosmo 2 students who spent Thursday morning at the Walker County Center Center giving manicures to anyone interested.

Best of luck to our Hornet/Lady Hornet Wrestling team competing at Cy Ridge and our HHS Choral student performing at UIL Regional Clinic/Concert at The Woodlands.

The Spirit of Thanksgiving... I challenge each of you to think of someone you consider to be really happy. Do they smile more than others you know? Do they laugh more than others you know? Does being in their presence make you happier? What makes this person different? In my opinion this occurs in large part due to one's ability to be grateful and express gratitude. Lets face it, bad things happen to all of us... it is not what happens to us that matters, it is our reaction to it. I hope you each take the time over this Thanksgiving Break to pause and consider what you are grateful for. May we all strive to have an attitude of gratitude!

I hope you each have a wonderful, safe, and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Corny Thanksgiving Jokes:

What key won't open any door?  A turkey!
Why did the turkey cross the road? It was the chicken's day off!
Why did the turkey cross the road twice? To prove he wasn't chicken!
What do you get when a turkey lays an egg on top of a barn?  An egg roll!
What do you call it when it rains turkeys?  Foul weather!
Why did the turkey sit on the tomahawk?  To hatchet!
Why did the police arrest the turkey?  They suspected foul play!
Which side of a turkey has the most feathers?  The outside!
Why do turkeys lay eggs?  If they dropped them, they'd break!
What's the most musical part of a turkey? The drumstick!
What  happened when the turkey got into a fight?  He got the stuffing knocked out of him!
What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?  Pumpkin pi!
What always comes at the end of Thanksgiving?  The letter "g"!

To view the 2014 - 2015 Corrective Action Plan, TEA Recommendations and Required Actions or the TAPT Speech Contest Flyer go to 


  1. Where can I find the attachments you mentioned?

    Thank you for continuing to lead us in a positive direction. This type of communication is always informative and the jokes are always corny. Hornet Fridays are the best!

    1. I have add the link so you now see the documents.
