Friday, September 8, 2017

Remember The Alamo


Lady Blues and Graham Steer Cross Country- Best of luck at the Seymour Invitational Meet!

Lady Blues Volleyball- Good luck at Bridgeport tonight!

Graham Steer Football- Best of luck at Brownwood this evening.  Presale tickets are available at the GISD administration office until 1:00 pm today. All tickets will be $6.00 at the gate.

Woodland Annual Hamburger Supper- Mark your calendar for Thursday, October 19th.

Teacher of the Month Program- Beginning this month, we will be honoring one of our teachers as the Teacher of the Month.  Benchmark Office Solutions is partnering with the district on this award and will be providing the Teacher of the Month with a $100.00 gift card. To nominate someone for the award complete the form at

Free Flu Shots- Jordan’s Pharmacy is ready to begin giving Flu shots.  If you have TRS health insurance the shots will be free.


It’s a story from which legends grow. It’s a story whose significance only swells over time. It is the story of Texas independence and the Battle of San Jacinto. You are all true Texans, so you’ve heard the story before, but it deserves to be told at least one more time!

The leader of the Texican army was Sam Houston. Sam Houston was a Virginian who found his way to Texas by way of Tennessee. He had an up and down career, but on April 21, 1836, fate put the right person in the right place, and Texas independence from Mexico was the result.

General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was the president of Mexico, and he was leading the Mexican army on that fateful day. A self-styled “Napoleon of the West”, Santa Anna’s victories at the Alamo and Goliad almost assured Mexican control of the area north of the Rio Grande River that the settlers called Texas.

Destiny seemed to push Houston’s army and Santa Anna’s army to San Jacinto. While the Texican army had fought hard and valiantly over several months, victories were few and far between. The Mexican army out-numbered the Texicans, and they were a more organized and trained fighting machine. In previous battles, Santa Anna had proven to be a ruthless conqueror, and Sam Houston knew what was at stake as he prepared for this, maybe his last, battle.

For the first and only time in his military career, Houston called a council of war to hear from his officers their thoughts about strategy. Should their army attack or wait to be attacked? The officers debated the question back and forth. Advantages and disadvantages of each strategy were argued endlessly. When Houston realized that they were getting nowhere, he looked at his watch. It read 3:30 in the afternoon. He dismissed his council and gave the order: “ATTACK!”

The Texican army moved from the safety of the woods across the plains toward the opposing army. What a swashbuckling sight! Sam Houston at the lead of the army with his sword held high, the fife and drum playing a tune to keep the troops moving briskly, and the silken flag of liberty rippling in the brisk wind…and there was no opposition. None!

Sam Houston’s army was almost on top of the enemy camp before the first volley of gunfire caught Houston and his white stallion. With blood filling his boot, the General corralled another horse, and let out a cry, “Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!” At about the same time, from the rear, came, “Fight for your lives. The bridge has been cut.” The only path of retreat for the Texicans was gone; it was literally a fight to the death!

Eighteen minutes later General Sam Houston’s army of 435 men had completely routed the 1,600 Mexican soldiers under General Santa Anna. It seemed almost like the Texicans had caught the Mexicans napping. Well, in reality, they had. For the Mexican army, siesta time was 4:00 p.m. Sam Houston’s army engaged them at 4:30 p.m. They had, quite literally, caught the Mexican army asleep!

Isn’t that just the way life can be? Seldom in life are we “defeated” because we lack the knowledge or power or might to persevere? More often than not, when things do not turn out like they should, we discover that we, like Santa Anna, have fallen asleep, have been distracted, have become over-confident.

For the next six months, you will be hearing lots of information regarding the upcoming March primary elections. They provide Texas educators with an opportunity to make a difference for our state. The Texas 85th Legislative Sessions have made it clear that politics has trumped policy at our Capitol. Our state and our profession are being held hostage by a politician that does not see past his next election! Too often in the past at election time Texas educators have been like General Santa Anna – napping as the battle raged on. This time, as the primary election approaches, we must be like General Sam Houston – on the attack!

United educators can elect officials who respect public education and honor teachers…if we just stay awake and FIGHT!

CORNY JOKE OF THE DAY (Courtesy of GJHS’s Lanis Graham):

What do you call a fake noodle? (Scroll down for the answer)


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