COVID-19- The GISD Return to School Plan and COVID Dashboard can be located at
Eastside Church of Christ Adopts Woodland Elementary for Volunteer Service- This past summer, GISD superintendent Sonny Cruse and Woodland Elementary principal Audra Barrett meet with a committee from the Graham Eastside Church of Christ about their desire to adopt Woodland Elementary as a campus to provide volunteers for such things as crosswalk duty, cafeteria duty, recess duty, making copies, etc. Their team, coordinated by Kristi Jones and Nellie Caddell, includes approximately 15 volunteers that are serving the campus. We have no doubt that this will make a positive impact for our students and staff. Thanks a ton to the Eastside Church of Christ team for volunteering!
Join the Friday Night Steer Stampede- The Steer Stampede is free of charge and open to all students in 6th grade and under. Find Mrs. Boenisch on the North end of Newton Field near the tennis courts during halftime. The Stampede will take place following the RSB3 performance and just prior to the Graham Steers taking the field for the second half. If your little one needs help running with the Stampede, we will have ROCKSTARS ready and willing to assist your child’s run with the Stampede. Participants will exit the field on the South end near the concession stand.

Athletic Event Tickets
Please note that tickets for all Graham High School and Graham Junior High athletic events are purchased online at You can also reach this site from the district webpage- and selecting the Tickets link. GISD employees are granted general admission entry with their employee badges.

Another convenient method for purchasing Graham ISD Athletic Event Tickets is to download the HomeTown Fan App to your cell phone from your App Store. After loading the app, you will search for the Graham zip to see a link for each campus. When you select the campus you will see the scheduled events for the coming week.

If you routinely attend multiple sports events at Graham High School and Graham Junior High School, you may want to consider purchasing an All-Sports Pass. The All-Sports pass is good for admission to all sports events except for varsity football games and tournaments. The All-Sports pass can be purchased via the online ticket portal.
Friday Nights at Newton Field- Procedures for GISD Students and Non-School Aged Children- We want all students and non-school-age children to have an enjoyable, safe experience while attending the Graham Steers games. Please help us by noting the following:
GHS students will sit in the designated student- Section B
GJHS students will sit in the designated student section- Section I
WOODLAND will have the choice of hanging out in The Corral area or sitting in the stands with their parents/guardians.
CRESTVIEW AND PIONEER students will sit with their parents/guardians.
Graham Steer Football- The Steers will be in action this evening at Newton Field vs Springtown. The kickoff will be at 7:00 pm. Hope to see you there! GO STEERS!
Lady Blues Volleyball- Congratulations on the victory over “Old High” this past Tuesday evening! The Lady Blues will play Jacksboro at 4:30 pm this afternoon at GHS. GO LADY BLUES!!!
Graham High School FFA Fruit and Meat Fundraiser- The GHS FFA program is now taking orders for fruit and meat via Riverstar. Place your order by contacting any student enrolled in agriculture classes at GHS. The DEADLINE to order is September 17.

Power of the Delightful Surprise...
In the book, The Power of Moments: Why Certain Moments Have Extraordinary Impact, authors Chip and Dan Heath state, “We all have defining moments in our lives… meaningful experiences that stand out in our memory.” Today’s message was borrowed from Crestview Elementary principal, Amanda Townley. She shared her personal “power of the delightful surprise” with her team in her weekly staff newsletter.
“Spontaneous moments/surprises/gifts are powerful. They help us to break the script or the monotony of the day-to-day. Moments of spontaneity create peaks in our memories. Travel back with me to 5th-grade science… Mr. Mote is our science teacher and young Amanda was not sure that she liked science until a peak moment. Mr. Mote brought out the microscopes and we looked at onion skin. I can still tell you the smell of the room that day, the color of the onion we looked at (yellow), and the color dye that we used to make the cell wall more visible (red). I went home and starting from that day forward I was a scientist. I did not gag in 6th grade when we dissected owl pellets (thrown up indigestible pieces) and celebrated when I had an entire mouse skeleton. In 7th grade, we were learning about plant structures and were able to visibly see stomata on a leaf. Peak moments that caused engagement. In my senior year of high school, I tested out of English, Government, and Economics so that I could have 7 classes (4 of which were independent studies) of science. You are creating peak moments and moments of surprise in your classroom. Celebrate the peaks, celebrate the struggle, celebrate the growth! RING the BELLS!”
Although Mr. Mote may have known that the young lady in his class was extremely bright, I doubt he knew the impact of the moment he had planned for that particular science lab. He had no way of knowing she would become a teacher and administrator that had a positive impact on thousands of students.
Never underestimate the power of the moments you plan for our students! Have a nice day...take care of yourself and others!!!
What did the cupcakes say to the icing? (Scroll down for the answer)
I’d be muffin without you!