Friday, February 9, 2024

Enjoy the Journey- Steer Nation Message 2/9/24


Be a Voter- Vote! Election Day for the Primary Election is March 5. Review the below frequently asked questions about voting in the Texas primary and make sure you have a plan to vote. Make sure you're registered to vote. Early voting takes place Feb. 20-March 1. The last day to apply to vote by mail is Feb. 23 (application must be received by Feb. 23). The election includes not only the presidential primary election, but other federal, state, and local races. What’s on your ballot depends on where you live. Get your personalized voting information and then research the candidates so you can make an informed decision. ( After you cast your ballot, share your pride by posting a selfie or photo of your “I voted” sticker on social media. Call, text, or talk to your friends, family, and colleagues and encourage them to vote. You have influence with others, even if it’s just a small group.

GISD May 2024 Bond Election

School Counselor Week- We are blessed to have an exceptional school counselor team of Courtney Wood, Ashley Hise, Melody Ingram, Amy Collins, and Kaci McClendon. Thanks a ton for your dedication and service to our students!

GHS FFA Successful at the San Angelo Agricultural Mechanics Show- Graham FFA won two first-in-class awards at the San Angelo Agricultural Mechanics Show. Congratulations to the following students- Lance Browning- Dining Room Table and Chairs, Allie Posey, Kanyon Crawford, Kiya Cope- Octagon Grill Set. Also congratulations to the following students for receiving blue ribbons for projects of the highest quality- Brazier Joy- 20’x8’ Cattle Scale and Steven Vaughan- 14’ Entry Gate.

Lady Blues and Graham Steer Soccer- The Lady Blues and Steers will host Wichita Falls High School this afternoon. JV Boys- 4 pm, JV Girls- 5 pm, Varsity Boys- 6 pm, Varsity Girls- 8 pm. GO LADY BLUES AND STEERS!

Graham Steer Baseball- The Steers will host Wichita Falls this afternoon at 5:00 pm. GO STEERS!

Lady Blues Softball- The Lady Blues will host Jacksboro and Comanche on Saturday at noon. GO LADY BLUES!

Enjoy the Journey…

Excerpt from Win the Day by Mark Batterson

A sociological study involving fifty people over the age of ninety-five consisted of one survey question: If you had your life to live all over again, what would you do differently? Three replies emerged as a consensus. One, risk more. Two, reflect more. Three, do more things that live on after you die.

All three of these notions have merit but let me add one more to the mix. Enjoy the journey! Life is too short not to enjoy every age and every stage. I believe the best is yet to come, but the grass is not greener on the other side!

If you don’t enjoy life now, you won’t enjoy it then. If you don’t enjoy life here, you won’t enjoy life there. Don’t fall into the when/then trap of thinking we’ll be happy when we find ourselves in a certain set of circumstances.

We have to guard the present against two threats, two thieves. The first is past-tense guilt. The second is future-tense anxiety. They come to kill, steal, and destroy. How do we guard against them? We make a pre-decision to enjoy the journey… no matter what, no matter when, and no matter where!

Have a nice day, unless you have already made other plans…take care of yourself and others!

CORNY JOKE OF THE DAY:(Scroll down for the answer.)

What do rabbits need after getting caught in the rain?

A hare dryer!

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